Brunei Web Services

From the blog

Has your site been affected by Mobilegeddon?

You may or may not already know this but Google rolled out their latest update end of last month which people are dubbing “mobilegeddon”

So What’s the BIG Deal?
After the update, websites that are mobile friendly are more likely to appear at the top of Google search results made via mobile devices. Google is giving priority to websites that are mobile friendly when searched via smartphones or tablets.

According to Google a mobile-friendly site meets the following criteria:

  • Avoids software that doesn’t render well on common mobile devices. (Think Flash)
  • Uses text that is readable without zooming.
  • Sizes content to the screen properly without having to scroll horizontally. (Vertically is fine.)
  • Places links far enough apart so that the correct link can be easily tapped.

How do I know if my site is mobile friendly?

You can use Google’s own mobile friendly test here.

More information can be found on Google’s own Blog.

What about sites built by Brunei Web Services?

All our websites are built to be mobile friendly from the start. We employ the best practises with the latest frameworks. Have a look at some of our work here. Along side that we offer free training on how to maintain and update your site. Our support is locally based so you’ll always have someone on hand to help.