Brunei Web Services

From the blog

Baiduri introduces MerchantSuite for Online payments

One of the benefits of having your business online is the ability to reach potential customers anywhere in the world. Through an online payment gateway, you can directly convert and capture payments directly on your website. Previously there weren’t any banks in Brunei that were able to provide this service. Baiduri bank perhaps is the first bank to realise this and has introduced a service called MerchantSuite – which aims to facilitate online payment transactions.

You can find out more on their website here, as well as their pricing structure here Please note that prices are quoted in USD.

Pricing plans

You can sign-up for a trial account to have a look at the features and functions. So far we’re really liking the straightforward and clean layout.

sign in

On the main page, you get an overview of transactions.

main page

On the next tab “My Suite” you get the full list of services offered.
Note: This is a trial account so “live” payments cannot actually be processed.


Options here are:

Payment Terminal – You can process customer’s credit cards directly from here.
Batch File – or process multiple payments as a batch file
Secure card Drive – To create, store and process batch files
Payment Page – you get a link to a personalised payment page with the ability to upload your own logo
Messaging – Choose what message to receive e.g. new payment received
Search Payment – Search for previous payments
Invoice – Send Invoices
Customers – Create and store customer’s details.

Under the “help” section of the page, there are user docs and tech docs to further assist you. These are a little basic but should be a good to get you started.


It’s pretty exciting to finally get support for an online payment gateway in Brunei. This service is aimed more for SME’s (small & medium enterprises) rather than the one off seller, but if you’re just starting up as a small business this is definitely a viable option.